New Website Coming!

Hello! Given transitions in leadership over the past year we at ADAPT recognize where our website has by and large been neglected. We apologize for this and are excited to announced that in the coming year we will be doing a refresh of the entire site. For now, the existing site still includes relevant information for how you can get better prepared given the environmental threats—fire, flood, earthquake—that we face in our area. Please explore the Prepare and Respond links above to access that information.

Thank you and please stay safe!

Have a suggestion for future website content?

Please drop us a line by clicking here.


Please Consider Attending a Monthly Community Meeting!

While our website is under construction, for learning more about disaster preparedness and meeting some of your neighbors, please consider joining us at our monthly community meeting. These take place the first Saturday of each month from 9-10:30 at Town Hall Council Chamber at 80 Fair Oaks Lane. Each month we have a speaker focus on a different aspect of preparedness, as well as discuss other current events and initiatives. The best way to stay informed of our meetings and their topics is to join our mailing list, which you can do by clicking here.


Find Your Area Number!

Enter your Atherton home address below to connect with your Area Coordinator and see what other resources are available in your neighborhood.

Street Number Street Name, Atherton, CA 94027

Atherton Areas


Once you know what area you’re in, you can find your Emergency Assembly Point, download your Area Map, meet your Area Coordinator, and more.

View area resources.



Upcoming Events

Our next monthly ADAPT Community meeting will be on November 2, 2024 from 9 - 10:30 at Town Hall Council Chambers, 80 Fair Oaks Lane. Hope to see you there!



Emergency Supplies

Want to stock up but not sure where to start? We’re frequently updating our supply lists and product suggestions.



Our Mission

A.D.A.P.T.’s sole mission, in partnership with the Atherton Police Department, is to train and organize Atherton residents to be resilient, responsive, capable and recovery-able in the event of a town-wide emergency, pandemic or disaster event.


Our Partner

Atherton Police Chief Steve McCulley, Atherton Police Department

“Get involved now with A.D.A.P.T.

Atherton is fortunate to have A.D.A.P.T. as the go-to resource for disaster and major emergency training and preparation. Empower yourself and your family, for our police force, fire services and medical response teams will likely not have the ability to reach every resident for at least 7 days after an emergency.

Join me every month at A.D.A.P.T.’s Community Meetings for real world emergency training.”




Our Programs

The best way to learn about Atherton emergency preparedness is to join our monthly A.D.A.P.T. Community Meetings, typically held the first Saturday of the month at 9:00 AM. To receive an email invitation to future meetings, please click below.


Get Involved

Be a part of our active and dynamic volunteer-based preparedness team.



Whether you have a few hours a month, shop on Amazon, or are passionate about Atherton, we have opportunities for you to contribute.